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Soleil Dental Blog

4 Reasons to Soak Your Dentures Every Night

January 10, 2025

Dentures soaking in glass on bathroom counter

When the time comes to go to bed, it can be tempting to just drift off to sleep while still wearing your dentures. However, if you want to protect your mouth and take proper care of your prosthesis, it’s highly recommended that you instead let your dentures soak overnight in a specialized cleansing solution. Here are 4 reasons why this simple step is important for keeping your replacement teeth in excellent shape.


Goodbye Slipping, Hello Security: Making the Switch from Dentures to Dental Implants

December 20, 2024

Older patient smiling with dental implants

Dentures are a fantastic option for tooth replacement, but what if you’re aiming for a more permanent solution? In that case, dental implants may be the upgrade you’re looking for! In fact, many patients make the transition to enjoy a more secure and aesthetic smile. But how do dentures compare to dental implants, and what does the process look like? Continue reading to learn what to expect when making the switch.


The Age of Dental Implants: Are You “Too Old”?

November 4, 2024

older patient having a dental implant consultation

For certain things in life, age restrictions are necessary. Children aren’t allowed to drive until they turn 16, and the legal drinking age in the United States is 21. These restrictions protect those who aren’t developmentally ready or mature enough to handle more serious responsibilities. On the flip side, while there isn’t a specific set age, at some point, many elderly people must admit that they are too old to continue driving safely. But can you officially be too old for some beneficial, cutting-edge treatments? For instance, can you be too old to get dental implants?

Fortunately, any adult with tooth loss, regardless of how old they happen to be, can and should think about getting dental implants. In this post, you’ll learn about the requirements associated with dental implants, why these replacements are beneficial, and how even the elderly can enjoy this option.


Suggestions for Dental Implant Preparation Stress

October 3, 2024

Two dental implants on a blue background

Whether or not you’re a chronic over-thinker, planning for your upcoming dental implant placement will help you feel ready to receive your replacement teeth. But maybe you don’t know where to start! If you’ve got pre-treatment preparation stress, keep reading. You can’t go wrong with these suggestions.


Can TMJ Disorders Affect Your Speech?

September 7, 2024

TMJ letters, human skill, and X-ray on blue tableCommunication is an important part of life. However, if your words are sounding slurred or you’re having difficulty speaking, a TMJ disorder might be the culprit. Your temporomandibular joints (TMJs) are located on either side of your face, just in front of your ears. They allow you to open and close your mouth to make necessary movements for eating, yawning, and even speaking. You don’t have to worry about jaw pain causing miscommunication. Here’s how you can improve your jaw’s function to speak clearly and confidently.


Finding Relief: How Long Does It Take to Alleviate TMJ Disorder?

August 12, 2024

man with occlusal splint

If you suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, you’re all too familiar with symptoms like clicking, popping, and grinding sounds when you move your jaw. Unfortunately, these can significantly disrupt your daily life, making it difficult to fully open or close your mouth. In severe cases, your jaw might even lock. While home remedies may provide temporary relief, they often aren’t enough to address the root cause of the problem. For more effective and lasting relief, your dentist can offer treatments tailored to your specific needs. But how long will it take to see improvement? The timeline can vary, but here’s a general idea of what to expect.


Is TMJ Disorder to Blame for Your Migraines?

July 13, 2024

Woman sitting at desk, struggling with migraine pain

Migraines are one of the most bothersome medical conditions. They can pop up at any time, and they can be so painful that they prevent you from doing even basic tasks. If you suffer from this issue, you have probably already talked to your doctor about it. Medications and some lifestyle adjustments may be helpful. But have you ever considered the possibility that TMJ disorder (TMD) might be to blame for your migraines? Continue reading to discover fascinating information about the link between these conditions.


Words of Wisdom: Why Wisdom Teeth Often Need to Be Extracted

June 17, 2024

Illustration of three teeth: one is trying to erupt, the other two are freaking out

Everyone probably knows at least one person who had their wisdom teeth removed. Which begs the question: why do wisdom teeth need to be extracted so often? Can they really cause that much of a problem?

If your third molars are growing in properly, then no, they aren’t likely to cause you problems. The issue doesn’t lie with the teeth themselves, but the size of your mouth and your dental alignment! For some words to the wise, keep reading. We’ll lay out the details.


Rest Up! How to Get a Great Night of Sleep After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

May 16, 2024

a man sleeping in a bed

Wisdom tooth extractions typically happen at times in your life when you’re most busy, like towards the end of high school or right at the peak of young adulthood, making getting good rest following your procedure critical. Whether you’re stressed by final exams or an important upcoming job interview following your extraction, the best way to heal as well as perform at the top of your game is to rest up! Read on for some helpful tips on how to sleep after your wisdom tooth extraction in Dallas.


Wisdom Tooth Worries: What to Expect from Recovery

April 7, 2024

X-ray of someone's mouth with wisdom tooth highlighted red surrounded by forceps

Are you a young adult who’s developed an ache behind your molars? If so, your wisdom teeth could be growing in or have become impacted. Because they’re considered a vestigial feature (meaning that it has no current apparent function) and also cause other issues, many dentists recommend extracting them.

If you’ve been told your wisdom teeth must be removed, it’s natural to feel nervous. Although you know you’ll be numbed for the appointment itself, many patients wonder whether recovery is painful and how long it takes. Keep reading to learn more about what you can anticipate while you heal after your procedure!
