Wisdom tooth extractions typically happen at times in your life when you’re most busy, like towards the end of high school or right at the peak of young adulthood, making getting good rest following your procedure critical. Whether you’re stressed by final exams or an important upcoming job interview following your extraction, the best way to heal as well as perform at the top of your game is to rest up! Read on for some helpful tips on how to sleep after your wisdom tooth extraction in Dallas.
Sleep in a Position Conducive to Healing
Whether you sleep on a flat pillow, on your belly, or on your side, you may want to re-think your position after your wisdom tooth extraction. Following oral surgery, it’s best to sleep with your extraction or surgical site elevated above your heart. This will help prevent swelling, reduce the risk of choking on any gauze that’s still in your mouth, and help you sleep better.
Remember to Take Pain Medication as Prescribed
Managing your pain following your procedure is critical to making sure you’re able to rest comfortably and easily. If your dentist has prescribed you something to help with this, be sure to take it as instructed as you’re experiencing post-operative pain. If your dentist has recommended taking an over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen, take this as recommended until your pain begins to subside. Managing your discomfort will also keep you from frequently waking throughout the evening.
Follow Your Dentist’s Post-Op Instructions
Before you leave the office after your consultation, your dentist will provide you with a detailed list of post-operative care instructions. These can include maintaining a soft diet following your procedure, being sure to have someone lined up on your treatment day to care for you, as well as ways to clean your mouth without disrupting the blood clot in the extraction site. Follow these closely to minimize any chances of complications and post-operative discomfort.
Call Your Dentist with Any Concerns
As you’re healing, be sure to take note of any symptoms that feel out of the ordinary, including a fever, pain that’s increasing in intensity, etc. Call your dentist as soon as you notice these so they can help you address them and ensure they don’t become worse or lead to a greater concern. If this occurs, it’s likely that you’ll hardly get any rest, which can impede not only your life, but also your health!
About the Author
Dr. Jose Aldana has taken several post-graduate continuing education courses to expand his skillset in complex surgical procedures, including dental implant placement, molar endodontics, and wisdom tooth extractions. Because of this, he’s able to offer third molar extractions in-house, as well as multiple forms of dental sedation. For questions or to schedule an appointment, visit Soleil Dental’s website or call 214-304-2112.