Veneers – Dallas, TX

The Quickest Way to Perfect Your Smile

While not everyone is born with their dream smile, it doesn’t mean you have to settle for teeth that you aren’t comfortable with. If you’re struggling with dental flaws, you can easily address them with veneers. At Soleil Dental, we offer high-quality porcelain layers that can enhance your teeth and help you achieve the celebrity smile you’ve always wanted! If you wish to learn more about veneers in Dallas or want to schedule your initial consultation, read on or give our team a call today.

a woman smiling with veneers in Dallas

Why Choose Soleil Dental for Veneers?

  • Durable & Natural-Looking Dental Materials
  • Professional, Friendly, & Dedicated Dental Team
  • Completely Customized Treatment For Every Patient

What Are Dental Veneers?

an illustration of the process for veneers in Dallas

Dental veneers are usually wafer-thin layers crafted out of tooth-colored material, which are then bonded over the front side of your affected tooth. These lifelike shells can conceal most kinds of dental imperfections, such as cracks, chips, stains, misshapes, and gaps. Veneers are typically constructed out of durable materials like dental ceramic and porcelain, providing a natural-looking result that closely resembles your tooth enamel. They can even withstand the pressures of chewing like your permanent teeth and are highly resistant to stains and chips.

The Process of Getting Veneers

a patient undergoing the process for veneers in Dallas

You’ll first undergo an initial consultation where we will discuss your oral health, your smile goals, and how veneers can help you accomplish the results you’re hoping for. If we determine that you’re eligible for the treatment, we’ll begin by removing a small portion of your tooth enamel from the front-facing surface to make room for your veneers. We’ll then take impressions of your smile and send them to a dental lab where they can construct your porcelain layers.

This should typically take a couple of weeks to complete. In the meantime, we’ll have you wear a provisional set of veneers to both protect your exposed tooth and serve as “test runs.” Our team will make any necessary adjustments based on your temporary set to ensure your permanent ones work perfectly. Once your final veneers are constructed, you’ll come back to our office so we can switch the provisional ones out. After ensuring your porcelain shells are polished and that you’re satisfied with the results, you’ll be sent on your way to enjoy your new and improved smile.

The Benefits of Veneers

a woman smiling with veneers in Dallas

You can be sure to enjoy numerous cosmetic benefits with veneers, including:

  • Lifelike appearance: Veneers won’t appear bulky or unnatural, so you’ll be able to show off pearly whites that look like your permanent teeth.
  • Complete customization: Your results will match the exact size, shape, and color that will both improve and blend seamlessly with the rest of your smile.
  • Highly resistant to stains: Veneers are made of non-porous material, making them extremely resilient to discoloration and providing a near-permanent whitening solution.
  • Long-lasting solution: With proper care, you can expect your veneers to last 15 years or more.

Understanding the Cost of Veneers

a patient undergoing the veneer process

Veneers are an incredible and comprehensive way to upgrade your pearly whites, but you’ll want to know about the overall price for the treatment before moving forward with anything. It’s also important to consider our other cosmetic dental services—each of which has its unique value and timeframe. Read on to learn about the cost of veneers and how our other options compare to them. 

Cost vs. Cosmetic Dentistry: What’s Best for Me?

While veneers offer an all-inclusive method for improving dental flaws, they aren’t the only option available to you. Each one comes with a different purpose and price point, and it’s a good idea to see how they measure up to veneers so that you can feel confident about your decision. Here are some of the cosmetic treatments we offer:

  • Teeth whitening: With either an in-house procedure or an at-home kit, we can help you brighten your smile by several shades with professional teeth whitening. This is one of our most affordable options, and it can be completed relatively quickly. However, the treatment will only address discoloration and staining, not the size or shape of your teeth. Also, your results will only last several months to a couple of years with proper care.
  • Cosmetic bonding: This process is non-invasive and uses composite resin to improve the color, shape, and size of your teeth. This can help fix imperfections like chips, stains, cracks, and gaps in your smile. While this may be a solution you’re looking for, remember that the results might last around 10 years or more before needing to be touched up, while veneers can easily go 15 years or more with minimal care.
  • Invisalign: This is one of the most popular ways to straighten your smile, as Invisalign aligners are practically invisible and much more comfortable than traditional metal braces. The results will be permanent (so long as you wear your retainers), but the treatment itself won’t affect the size, shape, or color of your teeth.
  • Veneers: With these porcelain shells, you can effectively conceal most dental flaws after just two weeks. Furthermore, your results will be incredibly durable and natural-looking, meaning you can achieve your dream smile that can last well over a decade before needing replacements.

How to Make Veneers Affordable

Dental insurance companies won’t often cover the cost of cosmetic dental treatments, as they aren’t considered medically necessary. However, there might be an exception for services that also help restore or protect teeth, such as veneers, so you’ll want to double-check your benefits with your provider before moving forward. If you aren’t insured, our team offers both an in-house membership plan and financing through Sunbit—the former comes with discounts on our treatments while the latter breaks up the total price of veneers into monthly, low-to-no-interest payments!

Veneer FAQs

Smiling dentist showing patient a tablet

Are you curious to know more about veneers – from what happens to your natural teeth to if veneers are permanent? Good news: our Dallas dental team can answer any questions you have at your consultation. Plus, you can learn the answers to FAQs about this cosmetic dental service right here!

What Happens to the Teeth Under Veneers?

To ensure that your veneers don’t protrude in an unnatural way, we need to remove a sliver of your enamel. Of course, the veneer doesn’t cover the entirety of your tooth, and it’s still possible for bacteria to slip underneath the veneer. That’s why it’s crucial that you implement a solid oral hygiene regimen before and after your smile makeover. So, if you aren’t already, make sure that you’re flossing daily, brushing each morning and evening, rinsing with mouthwash consistently, and getting a checkup and cleaning twice a year.

Are Veneers Permanent?

Sadly, veneers are not permanent; they typically last for 10-15 years. Prolonging the lifespan of yours requires a commitment to good oral hygiene best practices, like visiting your dentist biannually, not overindulging in foods with added sugar, avoiding tobacco products, and committing to a solid at-home dental care regimen.

Note: If one of your veneers feels loose, chips, or cracks, then call our Dallas dental team right away. That way, we can repair or replace your restoration as soon as possible.

Is There Anything I Can’t Eat with Veneers?

Although there aren’t any foods that are completely off-limits, there are certainly ones that we recommend steering clear of, like sticky, gummy, and hard candies. Instead, we encourage patients to focus on adding lots of nutrient-dense, vitamin-rich foods to their diet. This will reduce your risk of tooth decay while also giving your body everything it needs to fight off infections.

How Many Veneers Will I Need?

Although each patient’s smile goals and aesthetic preferences are unique, our goal is always the same: to create a balanced, beautiful smile. For some, that might mean one or two veneers to fix a few small imperfections. For others, that might be 10-12 veneers to address multiple dental flaws at once. Ultimately, the decision of how many are ideal for you will be decided when we create your treatment plan.

Do Veneers Feel Like Real Teeth?

Yes, they do! Not only are veneers custom-made so that they fit perfectly on your teeth, but they also are crafted from smooth dental materials that don’t irritate the soft tissue in your mouth. So, you can have peace of mind knowing that the final results will look and feel real.